I’ve LAUNCHED my podcast! There aren’t any episodes YET! However, I would like interested parties to sign up and to learn a little bit more about what you are interested in.
Keep in mind… I am here to serve. So I want to find out as much information as possible to shape my content and to create pipelines around interest.
Lately in the last few months I have had great triumphs such as earning an executive role and becoming a shareholder in a company that is in alignment with my life’s purpose. I’ve also suffered setbacks that were painful; such as working toward an opportunity for months (almost a year) the opportunity was continuously dangled in front of me but NEVER honored.
Opportunities that I thought were going to catapult my legacy. As I don’t really do things for money. I’ve made sacrifices to invest time and energy into things that I believe in, even if there is no immediate compensation I don’t care.
Money will always come when you follow your passions with a business mindset. I feel working just for money may be no different than prostitution. Where your talents are available to work with those who pimp and have no love for the world, no love for you as a person and no care for making a difference in this world...
Not everyone was worthy of the time that innocently gave away with all of my heart. The only thing I can think of is that I can still create a legacy, just not through the opportunities that I desired.
When I look at history and success stories… Legends created their own path no matter how many times they were rejected, stepped on and even disappointed.
From thin air, and out of nothing spawned greatness because no matter what happened they went above obstacles rather than become trampled.
Like a bird I fly above the situation to find opportunities rather than focus on problems that don’t really exist.